
These URLs will save the IRL (2020–2023) is a long-lasting project that explores the opaque and non-obvious patterns of German website design. The websites of art and design schools were researched since in these institutions one can learn the main UX design principles. This publication is a result of this research, a mixture of subjective storytelling with objective implementations such as website descriptions and UX tests.

book proofreader — joshua jenkins
coding assistance — alberto harres and lotta stöver
music/video — kazuki ozone a.k.a. kazu*2
design collaborator — ilya sheynin
chapter designers — klasse digitale grafik /hfk students
professors — dennis paul, andrea rauschenbusch and andrea sick

christoph knoth and konrad renner, felix neumann and rory witt, liebermannkiepereddemann

written and published by nilya musaeva in hfk bremen in
thanks to mom, dad and toto